Blessed Be Your Name
Don't take what I am about to say as a complaint; but more as a realization of the surprising blessing life often brings. I am blessed to have such a variety of different people in my life. From my dear friends from PC--who are all over now--to my best friend in Texas, to my good friends here in NC, and now the blessing of my life my job at CCC. Through the past 6 months God has given me an office full of different personalities, some who would qualify as my peers (David, middle school youth pastor is 23, Lee, the worship pastor is 26.) then a few who I work with I wouldn't dare guess their age--but 3 of which have grandkids. What a blessing to be around so many wonderful spiritual adults, in which I have the opportunity to be showed in the wisdom they have been granted through life experiences. I am "building relationships that last"! I am already learning so much from each and everyone of the staff members, even the ones which I'm not really close with.
When I moved here 2 years ago I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined already fullfilling my dream of working in a church. Everyday I am given the opportunity to bless someone's life, and show God's love. On Tuesday, we as a staff go into the Worship Center, have a devotional together, and then pray over the prayer request of our church body. How awesome is that?
So many time I take for granted all the beautiful things God has so graciously given me. From my family, friends, church, co-workers, job and material items as well. My life is so rich not because of the money I spend on my car, shoes, or clothes but because of the things in my life that cannot be bought with money. As the song says so elliquently: