The Unknown Road Ahead
There is a time for everyone, when they must step out and stop hiding behind their secrurity and become vunerable. Tonight was that time for me. For anyone who doesn't know me, or doesn't know this about me, writing is my security. When I want to be encouraging, I would write in a card. When I wanted to share my feelings, I wrote it down. In order to keep calm and collected, to keep my emotions in check. Keep my vunerability at bay. Now don't get my wrong, I am always ALWAYS honest when I write, thats why I do it, I can say things that I wouldn't normal be able to just speak. Yet, we all communicate in different ways. Some like to read. Some like to write. Some like to speak. Some like to be spoken to. I realized that last week. I can't expect to get my point across, or to encourge, by writing, if the person I'm writing to doesn't communicate by reading, but being spoken to. So tonight, I put my pride aside, and be vunerable for once. Tonight, I told him my story, how I have been exactly where he is right now. Facing the unknown road ahead. Trying to figure out where you belong. Continually praying for God to show you the way to go. That the right doors will be opened. That you will make the right decision. We have all been there at one point in our lives or another. Some of us deal with bigger struggles concerning life decisions than others.
There he was sitting on the stairs, everything I have ever wanted. Here I am telling him, that everything is going to be alright. I believe in him. Because the truth is. I do. No matter what he decides. It is all about trusting God about the unknown road ahead. And here is another bit of truth, I don't know what the road ahead holds. As scary as that is. I am willing to walk down it, because as long as I have Him by myside then I know everything is going to be alright. It is all about trusting, in the Almighty.
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