Monday, February 07, 2005

The Rollercoaster Ride

At the moment I am sitting here, sipping my Starbucks Chai Tea, and shopping at one of my favorite stores Anthropologie, just trying to just relax the day away. The past few weeks have been utterly insane for me and some days I've just wanted to scream. I continue to absolutly love my job--because I know that exactly where I am suppose to be. As Susan, said in last weeks devotional "The time ahead of us, is a rollercoaster you can either get scared and cover your eyes or lift up your hands and say 'whooiee'." And though I am a sucker for a BIG roller coaster ride, there have been a few days (like today) where I just wanted to crouch down and close my eyes. I know it is just the devils way (since this is the battle before the victory) of trying to get to me. I know that I am where God wants me to be, and as I antcipate the next big thing in my life and wait for God to continue working in my life--but because of this these attack from the devil will continue to come. Prayer is the way to victory. To declare the victory that is already won!
Tomorrow is another day, and as the sign of Odell Baptist Church said as I passed it on my way home from work "Take each day as God gives it....One day at a time."
I know that my petty insecurities aren't even comparable to the problems and trials that others are dealing with--things I come in contact with everyday. I am far beyond blessed, and am grateful for all that God has so graciously given to me.


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